Digital transformation

Only digitizing existing processes will not be enough to prepare companies for the future. Companies must be on their way to a digital transformation.
Optimal use of data for analysis and forecast, planned implementation with regard for employees and collaboration with partners in new business models are important aspects of a digital corporate strategy that involves all processes. This is the only way to make the most out of new technologies and contribute to a growing and sustainable logistics sector.


In the STRAUSS research project, VIL, University of Antwerp, UHasselt, KU Leuven, 14 companies and 4 cities will develop a set of algorithms and models to optimize logistics operations in cities. The project focuses on four key logistics flows within cities: waste collection, construction logistics, catering deliveries and home grocery deliveries.

status: Running | theme: Digital transformation | type: Regional


The BIOloop project aims to design a decision support tool to analyze and optimize supply chain flows of biomass by-products through optimized logistics with the goal of better connecting supply and demand, ultimately resulting in more high-value bio-based applications for various industries.

status: Running | theme: Digital transformation, Green Supply Chains | type: Regional


DISCO (Data-driven, Integrated, Synchromodal, Collaborative and Optimized) explores opportunities for secure data sharing via data spaces in urban logistics. Together with the city of Ghent, IMEC & Be-Mobile, VIL will develop the Dynamic Access Control concept, which allows information on access rules to the city to be used in planning systems of transporters, into a […]

status: Running | theme: Digital transformation | type: European


The c-SBO project SYTADEL (SYnchromodal proTotype for Data Sharing and PLanning) conducted by VIL together with imec, UAntwerpen and Vlerick applies the principles of data spaces within the logistics chain. The focus is on creating the logistics data space.

status: Running | theme: Digital transformation | type: Regional


ReNEW (Resilience-centric smart, green, Networked EU Inland Waterways) aims to play a key role in the transition of inland navigation – to a smart, green, sustainable and climate resilient sector. The consortium consists of parties from as many as 12 different countries. Several living labs will test solutions, including one in Ghent. Here, a multimodal […]

status: Running | theme: Digital transformation, Hinterland Connection | type: European


SETO is developing an innovative digital solution that gives authorities real-time access to all the information needed for smart enforcement of transport and safety legislation with a single click. This reduces the administrative burden and ensures more efficient and consistent controls. SETO uses advanced information exchange technologies and extends the system to multimodal transport. The […]

status: Running | theme: Digital transformation | type: European


In the BILOG project, VIL and UHasselt will develop a methodology that will make Business Intelligence practical for all logistics companies.

status: Running | theme: Digital transformation, Green Supply Chains | type: Regional


With the ‘FlexIn²Log’ project, VIL and Sirris want the manufacturing industry to gain practical experience in making the supply chain to the production floor flexible and efficient.

status: Closed | theme: Digital transformation | type: Regional

Gamification in Logistics

In Gamification in Logistics, game principles and play techniques are used in a professional context to better and more quickly integrate logistics workers from various opportunity groups into the workplace.

status: Running | theme: Digital transformation | type: Regional

Smart Vision

With the Smart Vision project, VIL wants the Flemish logistics sector to gain practical experience with the new generation of vision technology and application software. How can they increase the productivity and efficiency of logistics operations? How can they create added value in practice, also in SME companies?

status: Closed | theme: Digital transformation | type: Regional

PILL: Physical Internet Living Lab

The cSBO project PILL, executed by VIL imec and MOBI VUB, aims to make logistical processes more efficient, reliable, flexible and sustainable, using the Physical Internet. The project will build a prototype of the IT system which will allow the ports to be a part of the Physical Internet.

status: Running | theme: Digital transformation, Hinterland Connection | type: Regional

Grants for companies and research institutions

Innovation is important. Innovation makes for better margins, for a better world. But innovation is not always easy and success is not always guaranteed. And it requires an investment from you, in people and in time.

That is why you can rely on the expertise of VIL and on a reserved budget for innovation projects related to logistics!

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VIL stands for strong logistics in Flanders


De Burburestraat 6-8
B-2000 Antwerpen (Belgium)
T: +32 3 229 05 00
VAT: BE 0480.185.038