
Digital transformation

Digital transformation

Only digitizing existing processes will not be enough to prepare companies for the future. Companies must be on their way to a digital transformation.
Optimal use of data for analyses and forecasts, planned implementation with consideration for employees and collaboration with partners in new business models are important aspects of a digital corporate strategy that involves all processes. This is the only way to make the most of new technologies and contribute to a growing and sustainable logistics sector.

The ambition is to transform logistics in Flanders into digital leaders.

Green Supply Chains

Green Supply Chains

Climate change is increasing pressure on society to join forces and act more sustainably with the available resources. For the government, as well as for consumers and companies, sustainability is becoming increasingly important. The logistics sector, which is prominent in Flanders, must contribute.
Alternative fuels, renewable energy, multimodality, less packaging, sustainable use of materials, and the circular economy, … all are palpable trends that must be endorsed and invigorated. The bar is set high by the European ‘Green Deal’: the goal is ‘zero emission’.

The ambition is to make Flanders a frontrunner in green supply chains.

Hinterland Connection

Hinterland Connection

Our ports and airports create employment opportunities, added value, and prosperity, but their potential to strongly grow and develop depends on Flanders’ capability to solve its mobility problems. Major infrastructure projects and the continuous rise of demand for transport pose additional challenges to the forthcoming decade.
Data sharing, collaboration within and across logistics chains, autonomous vehicles and vessels, innovative transfer techniques, and new modes of transportation will contribute to maximum efficiency and optimal use of capacity.

The ambition is to transform Flanders into a perfectly accessible and connected logistics region in Europe.

Last mile

Last mile

The last mile is one of the biggest logistical challenges. The growing ‘on demand’ economy collides with the rapidly shifting society and environment. There is a dire need to find solutions for these last-mile complexities, focusing on the optimal usage of space, the development of new management models, and operational excellence. New forms of value creation can also provide sustainable last-mile solutions.

The ambition is to integrate last-mile logistics into all supply chains of Flanders most sustainably and economically.


VIL: Flanders’ single point of contact for logistics innovation


De Burburestraat 6-8
B-2000 Antwerpen (Belgium)
T: +32 3 229 05 00
VAT: BE 0480.185.038