To increase the competitiveness of the Flemish logistics companies, VIL carries out projects around Collective Knowledge Development and Knowledge Transfer (COOCK). “Collective” means that the project is aimed at a group of companies. 80% of the project cost is subsidized, 20% is financed by the participating companies.

In addition, VIL also focuses on innovative business projects (research and development projects), multidisciplinary research projects, strategic basic research and EU projects (Horizon Europe).

Overview projects - VIL


‘ORDinL’ is a scientific research project run by the KU Leuven, in cooperation with VUB and UHasselt. The goal of this project is to develop fundamental knowlegde on datadriven optimalisation in logistics and to apply this knowlegde in a new operational decision support methodology.

status: Running | type: Regional

Food packaging of the future

The current push strategy for food packaging does not take sufficient account of the demands, needs and wishes of everyone involved in the chain. Moreover, new distribution channels (e-commerce, food delivery, omnichannel) and an increasing diversity of food products pose new challenges to food packaging. To face these challenges and utilize the opportunities to the […]

status: Closed | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: Regional

SCOPE: Strategic Competence Forecast for Logistics

Technological evolutions impact what current and future logistic employees should be able to do and know. A competence forcast clarifies the expected shifts, which allows to anticipate and suggest adjustments on education.

status: Closed | theme: Digital transformation | type: European

Exoskeletons for Logistics

With this project VIL has examined how the new generation of exoskeletons can be used for manuel activities in the logistics sector. The objective was to reduce physical strain for employees and to increase productivity of repetitive tasks and heavy lifting.

status: Closed | theme: Digital transformation | type: Regional

Blockchain in Supply Chains

With this project VIL investigated the added value of blockchain technology in logistic applications. The focus of this project were sectors where a safe supply chain is a high priority, like the food, chemical and life science sector. VIL has also examined how blockchain relates to other track & trace solutions in these sectors.

status: Closed | type: Regional

Cilotex (Circular Logistics for the textile industry)

The fabric industry is the second largest pollutant in the world, after the oil industry. In addition, 80 % of all fabric ends up as waste. The VIL project Cilotex (Circular Logistics for the Textile industry) aims to analyze the logistics possibilities to stimulate the circular economy for the textile industry. This project focusses on […]

status: Closed | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: Regional


The sharing economy is undeniably on the rise and will become an important part of the economy. With the project Cambion VIL has investigated if the principle of car sharing is applicable in the logistics sector, as so called ‘fleet sharing’.

status: Closed | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: Regional


Log!Ville is the landmark innovation centre for the logistics ecosystem.

status: Closed | theme: Digital transformation, Green Supply Chains, Hinterland Connection | type: European


The Physical Internet: an open logistics system which pursues physical, digital and operational interconnectivity trough clustering data, interfaces, protocols, etc. VIL participates the European project SENSE which aims to use the Physical Internet to achieve co-modal transport services on a European level, within a well synchronizes, intelligent and seamless network, and thereby give optimal support to the supply chain.

status: Closed | theme: Digital transformation | type: European

Polluted Packaging Logistics

Many companies experience problems with the logistics and processing of polluted packages, like barrels that have contained chemicals, paint, adhesives, detergents and oils. With the project Polluted Packaging Logistics VIL will research if these packages can be collected and processed more efficiently and if they could even be recycled or reused.

status: Closed | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: Regional


WaterstofNet coordinated the European project H2-Share, in collaboration with 15 partners, of which VIL was one. The project received approval from Interreg North-West Europe (NWE). H2-Share stands for ‘Hydrogen Solutions for Heavy Duty Transport’ and targeted the reduction of emissions in northwestern Europe. Within the project a heavy-duty hydrogen truck and a mobile hydrogen refueling […]

status: Closed | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: European

Grants for companies and research institutions

Innovation is important. Innovation makes for better margins, for a better world. But innovation is not always easy and success is not always guaranteed. And it requires an investment from you, in people and in time.

That is why you can rely on the expertise of VIL and on a reserved budget for innovation projects related to logistics!

Discover the conditions

VIL stands for strong logistics in Flanders


De Burburestraat 6-8
B-2000 Antwerpen (Belgium)
T: +32 3 229 05 00
VAT: BE 0480.185.038