Cilotex (Circular Logistics for the textile industry)

The fabric industry is the second largest pollutant in the world, after the oil industry. In addition, 80 % of all fabric ends up as waste. The VIL project Cilotex (Circular Logistics for the Textile industry) aims to analyze the logistics possibilities to stimulate the circular economy for the textile industry. This project focusses on coton and polyester clothing.

status: Closed | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: Regional

High water consumption during the production of raw materials and the use of large quantities of chemicals, make the fabric sector a major polluter. Many clothing items never get sold and used clothes are being reused very little.

Both the government and textile sector are getting more and more aware of this problem. Several companies have started initiatives on circular economy. This initiatives deserve logistic support and stimulation.


VIL wants to examine which new economic business models can be developed for the companies involved, for the textile sector in general and for the related logistics service providers. The business models will be based on added value logistics, starting from a more effective collection of end-of-life clothing. A successful circular economy can hold commercial advantages for both textile producers and retailers. Clothes that would have been lost, get new commercial value through reuse or recycling.

The circular economy and a better reuse of materials also have a considerable impact on society: it implies consciously dealing with scarce resources and a reduction harmful emissions caused by the combustion of end-of-life clothing.

Specific activities

  • Market analysis on the circular economy and reverse logistics within the textile industry. And more specifically within the participating companies. Analysis of best practices in Belgium and abroad
  • To map out the (reverse) product flows including end-of-life and mapping out all RLMM-components (Reverse Logistics Maturity Model)
  • To identify new business models, their possibilities and conditions
  • To identify opportunities of improvement, focused on added value logistics
  • To quantify the opportunities: cost-benefit analysis
  • Practical tests and working out a roadmap


Practical details

Start: September 2017
Total lead time: 34 months

Participating companies

Seven companies: Bel&Bo, Eurofrip, Happy Kiddo, JBC, Komosie, Malysse and Nike.

eurofrip happy-kiddo jbc komosie malysse nike 


VIL stands for strong logistics in Flanders


De Burburestraat 6-8
B-2000 Antwerpen (Belgium)
T: +32 3 229 05 00
VAT: BE 0480.185.038