Flanders as catalyst for a mature hyperloop ecosystem

In June 2021 VIL was appointed “Theme Manager” Hyperloop. This new form of cargo transport offers major opportunities to create a faster, safer and more resilient transport mode.

VIL connected with all major global hyperloop developers and has laid the foundation for Flanders’ innovators to effectively contribute to a mature hyperloop ecosystem that will change the transport paradigm.

During this event the objectives for Flanders to integrate hyperloop as a research domain will be underlined as well as the reasons highlighted why Flanders is an innovation hotspot. The state of play talk will focus on the fact that hyperloop is gravitating towards cargo. 

Don’t wait to register for this unique event. Places are limited.  This is a free event but registration is required. 



Monday May 30 2022
13:30 – 18:00


Auditorium, Ellipse Building
Koning Albert II-Laan 35, 1030 Schaarbeek


13u30 Registration
14u00 Welcome
Liesbeth Geysels, Managing Director – VIL
14u05 Innovation without limits 
Jo Brouns, Flemish Minister of Economy, Innovation, Work and Agriculture 
14u15 Flanders as innovation hotspot
Mark Andries, General Administrator – VLAIO
14u25 Hyperloop: state of play
Kris Neyens, Manager Internationalisation  – VIL
14u55 Hyperloop Tech Pioneers: Most recent evolutions
15u30 Break
15u45 Matchmaking between Hyperloop Tech Pioneers and Flanders value added partners
Other parties are invited to join the interactive break out session
17u15 Closing and network drink


Register (This is a free event)

You can pass your reservation on to a colleague. Please send the name, function, and e-mail adress to informatie@vil.be.
Free cancellation is possible until 25th of May, 12:00, please notify us by e-mail to informatie@vil.be. If you cancel after this date without a valid replacement, we will charge a no-show of 80,00 euros. 

Registrations for this event are closed

VIL: Hét aanspreekpunt voor de logistieke sector


De Burburestraat 6-8
B-2000 Antwerpen
T: +32 (0)3 229 05 00
E: info@vil.be
BTW: BE 0480.185.038