Boostlog Cloud Report on Logistics Nodes Launch Event & 3rd ALICE Innovation Award Ceremony


BOOSTLOG Cloud Report on Logistics Nodes Launch Event &
3rd ALICE Innovation Award Ceremony


Logistics Nodes are centres of freight transport where a large activity of cargo logistics and related services are concentrated with different degree of added value. Located at strategic points of interconnection along the main supply chain routes, logistics nodes cover maritime, river, inland ports, airports, intermodal terminals as well as other hubs such as distribution centres or warehouses.

In order to optimise European investments in R&I projects in the field of transport and logistics, the BOOSTLOG project carries out a thorough evaluation process of concluded Research and Innovation (R&I) projects financed with EU-funds. This evaluation is conducted from the perspective of different key domains of transport and logistics (defined by BOOSTLOG as clouds) to identify R&I gaps and prioritise the needs to be addressed in future research programmes, thus contributing to develop an innovation ecosystem for the logistics sector that also contributes to the EU policy objectives.

This cloud report focuses on logistics nodes, showing the main results and impacts derived from European-funded projects on this area. More specifically, the evaluation of more than 160 concluded EUfunded R&D projects – from the 5th Framework Programme up to H2020 – has resulted in the selection of 21 projects (see Figure 1), as these are considered key projects with important contributions to the progress and evolution of the logistics nodes.

To acknowledge the achievements and inspire the R&I community of the logistics sector, ALICE launched the Innovation Awards. The 3rd award has been focused on successful implementation cases stemming from R& I projects in improving efficiency and sustainability of logistics nodes.

Implement Cases are concrete examples in which causal links between public R&I funding and technology, organizational or process innovation in a specific logistics area can be established.

The ALICE Logistics Innovation Award evaluates all collected Implementation Cases. The evaluation is done by the selection based on three criteria: Impact on Nodes, Society and Market; Scalability and Potential Growth; and Innovation.

The Award Selection Committee consists of five experts from the ALICE membership, including VIL Manager Internationalization Kris Neyens.

VIL: Hét aanspreekpunt voor de logistieke sector


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