Green Supply Chains

Climate change is increasing pressure on society to join forces and act more sustainably with the available resources. For the government, as well as for consumers and companies, sustainability is becoming increasingly important. The logistics sector, which is prominent in Flanders, must contribute.
Alternative fuels, renewable energy, multimodality, less packaging, sustainable use of materials, and the circular economy, … all are palpable trends that must be endorsed and invigorated. The bar is set high by the European ‘Green Deal’: the goal is ‘zero emission’.

Cilotex (Circular Logistics for the textile industry)

The fabric industry is the second largest pollutant in the world, after the oil industry. In addition, 80 % of all fabric ends up as waste. The VIL project Cilotex (Circular Logistics for the Textile industry) aims to analyze the logistics possibilities to stimulate the circular economy for the textile industry. This project focusses on […]

status: Closed | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: Regional


The sharing economy is undeniably on the rise and will become an important part of the economy. With the project Cambion VIL has investigated if the principle of car sharing is applicable in the logistics sector, as so called ‘fleet sharing’.

status: Closed | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: Regional


Log!Ville is the landmark innovation centre for the logistics ecosystem.

status: Closed | theme: Digital transformation, Green Supply Chains, Hinterland Connection | type: European

Polluted Packaging Logistics

Many companies experience problems with the logistics and processing of polluted packages, like barrels that have contained chemicals, paint, adhesives, detergents and oils. With the project Polluted Packaging Logistics VIL will research if these packages can be collected and processed more efficiently and if they could even be recycled or reused.

status: Closed | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: Regional


WaterstofNet coordinated the European project H2-Share, in collaboration with 15 partners, of which VIL was one. The project received approval from Interreg North-West Europe (NWE). H2-Share stands for ‘Hydrogen Solutions for Heavy Duty Transport’ and targeted the reduction of emissions in northwestern Europe. Within the project a heavy-duty hydrogen truck and a mobile hydrogen refueling […]

status: Closed | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: European

Empty Logistics

The use of glass bottles for beverages remains popular in Belgium. The costs of sorting out, transporting and storing these empty bottles is not to be neglected and often not very transparent. In this project VIL aims to analyse and reduce these non-value adding costs.

status: Closed | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: Regional

Fresh Food Logistics

Too much food is lost in distribution chains. Through the ‘Fresh Food Logistics’ project, VIL aims to investigate where and how food spoilage can be prevented or reduced, through the optimization of the logistics chains for fresh food for retailers.

status: Closed | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: Regional

IKEO (Collection of small electrical goods online)

With the IKEO project for the collection of small electrical goods online, VIL aims to offer a proactive response to the question of how webshops and their logistics service providers will organize the take-back obligation applying to small electrical appliances logistically.

status: Closed | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: Regional

Flanders Recycling Hub

‘Waste is the new gold’, so the saying goes. It’s a fact that there’s huge economic potential in recycling. The ambitious ‘Flanders Recycling Hub’ project aims to put Flemish ports on the global map in order to attract flows of materials and recycling activities.

status: Closed | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: Regional

Value Added Trucking (V.A.T.)

Through the Value Added Trucking project, VIL aims to find out which (administrative or other) value-added tasks can be carried out by the driver of a truck in self-driving mode. This is not about the technological angle, but the logistical approach: what improvement in efficiency and productivity can be achieved by having the driver on board the self-driving truck carry out useful tasks?

status: Closed | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: Regional


In the last few years, many companies which have been manufacturing in Asia for a long time have been moving their manufacturing back or opening additional manufacturing facilities in Eastern Europe. VIL has launched the ‘Nearshoring’ project in conjunction with seven companies to identify the logistical opportunities presented by this trend and then to capitalize on this to the maximum.

status: Closed | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: Regional

Grants for companies and research institutions

Innovation is important. Innovation makes for better margins, for a better world, but innovation is not always easy and success is not always guaranteed. It also requires substantial investment and resources.

That is why you can rely on the expertise of VIL and a reserved budget for innovation projects related to logistics!

Discover the conditions

VIL: Flanders’ single point of contact for logistics innovation


De Burburestraat 6-8
B-2000 Antwerpen (Belgium)
T: +32 3 229 05 00
VAT: BE 0480.185.038