Safe Warehouse

In the project Safe Warehouse VIL has researched how the security of employees on logistics sites can be increased, using technological solutions. 

status: Closed | theme: Digital transformation | type: Regional

Creating a safe work environment is challenging in a sector being ruled by speed, many physical operations, combined with the use of equipment. National safety statistics ( confirm the high frequency rate of accidents and the absence of a downward trend in the logistics sector. That downward trend is visible in other high risk sectors, like construction.

This project has mapped the safety risks and accidents at work at the participating companies, to get a better insight in the specific risks and needs of the sector.
Furthermore, VIL has analyzed which technologies are on the market and being used for safety purposes in other sectors than logistics. Accident prevention systems that are already being used in the logistics sector, as well as state of the art solutions of technology providers and research institutions, were also part of the analysis, keeping GDPR and privacy issues in mind.


  • The identified technological solutions are divided into 9 categories: automation, awareness, collision prevention, flow management, handling support, dynamic signaling, wearables, personnel detection and speed reduction.
  • Thus, although most accidents occur with forklifts and other rolling stock, the palette of proposed solutions is broader.
  • All solutions were collected in an online app. This Safe Warehouse app is an online toolkit that gives companies a clear and up-to-date understanding of all these solutions. The toolkit can be found at
  • In addition, VIL conducted tests with multiple systems and with multiple participants. In all of the tests conducted, it was found that operators experienced an increased sense of safety when able to use technology tools ranging from a wearable, an add-on to the forklift or as a fixed fixture in the warehouse. Especially in the tests with AI cameras the forklift, users reported being helped in avoiding accidents.


Practical details

Start: February 2021
Total lead time: 23 months

Participating companies

Atlas Copco Airpower, Delhaize Belgium, Gheys Logistics (BLC), H.Essers, Eutraco, Logflow, Lopos, Mainfreight Logistics Services Belgium and Molenbergnatie.


Would you like to know more?
Contact Gunther Storme (

VIL: Flanders’ single point of contact for logistics innovation


De Burburestraat 6-8
B-2000 Antwerpen (Belgium)
T: +32 3 229 05 00
VAT: BE 0480.185.038