Omni Tactics

Companies who want to evolve from single-/multichannel to omnichannel retailers are facing major challenges. A retailer must determine through which channels and which delivery options he prefers to offer his products to his customers. This abundance of options gives a chance for a higher service and turnover, but also impacts the costs. With its project ‘Omni Tactics’ VIL aims to support companies, especially SME’s, to proactively determine the cost-to-serve of their omnichannel choices.

status: Closed | theme: Last mile | type: Regional

The better companies are aware of the cost-to-serve in advance, the better they can implement well thought-out additional customer oriented channels. With this approach companies can avoid to invest in e-commerce just for the sake of higher sales, while the higher logistic costs negatively affect the profits.


  • To build a user friendly model that offers the opportunity for companies to determine the cost-to-serve of multiple omnichannel scenarios on a strategic/tactical level.
  •  To support companies with (future) e-commerce ambitions in making the right omnichannel strategic choices.     


  • To make a detailed enumeration of key elements and parameters that have an important impact on the cost-to-serve.
  • The design of the omnichannel impact model: components and structure of the logistic network, delivery times and options, relational dependencies between entities and parameters,…
  • To build, test and validate the omnichannel impact model.
  • To determine useful scenarios for a number of representative companies and to collect all relevant company data.
  • Practical testing based on specific cost-to-serve calculations for the participating companies, making the impact of omnichannel choices comprehensible.

Practical details

Planned launch: May 2017

Total lead time: 32 months

Participating companies

Ten companies: DistriMedia, DPD, Eltra, FirstFocus, KOMONO, Myrine, PostNL, Ridge Tool Europe, Topa Packaging en Unigro.

distrimedia dpd eltra firtstfocus komono myrine postnl  topa-packaging unigro


VIL: Flanders’ single point of contact for logistics innovation


De Burburestraat 6-8
B-2000 Antwerpen (Belgium)
T: +32 3 229 05 00
VAT: BE 0480.185.038