
Road freight transport is moving towards a zero-emission future. In Logibat, VIL has investigated what the operational and economic conditions are to make battery-electric transport feasible and what the requirements are to roll out a nationwide charging network.

status: Closed | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: Regional

With the spectacular development of battery technology, the battery-electric vehicle on the road can make a cost-effective and substantial contribution. Moreover, increasingly stringent regulations and the growing pressure for sustainability are forcing the logistics sector to think again. 

Truck manufacturers are also giving a clear signal that the pioneering phase is over and they are taking their first steps towards series production. Battery technology is becoming increasingly powerful, so that heavy-duty battery-electric trucks with a driving range of several hundred kilometres are already a reality.  Partly due to the favourable price development, this technology has a good chance of a relatively quick breakthrough. At the same time, “gigantic factories” are rapidly being set up in Europe for the production of batteries. It is not only the major truck manufacturers that are offering electric versions of their vehicles; newcomers are also competing for the electrification of freight transport.


To prepare the Flemish transport sector for the application of battery technology to achieve emission-free goods transport by road.

In Logibat, VIL investigated what the operational and economic conditions are to make battery-electric transport feasible and what the requirements are to roll out a nationwide charging network, both at shippers and depots and at (semi-)public stops. For the new business models emerging in this ecosystem, the role of the logistics companies as providers of charging infrastructure is explored. In addition, the potential for Catenary Solution in Road Systems within Flanders has also been studied.



  • Electric trucks are no longer a distant vision of the future, but are gradually becoming a reality. At a minimum, they will play a substantial role in all segments of our freight transportation and will cause an unprecedented revolution in the transportation sector.
  • The transport, energy and government sectors must join forces.
  • Operationally, electric driving requires a new way of working. Charging must be integrated into operations.
  • It is very important that the transport and energy sectors get to know each other well. For example, transportation companies will have to fundamentally change their approach to purchasing energy. In addition, the necessary infrastructure will have to be in place in the right places in time to ensure sufficient electric power.
  • Energy suppliers can also help the transportation sector obtain electricity cost-effectively.
  • It is essential that the government provide a framework that allows these objectives to be realized, such as adjustments to driving and rest periods.
  • In collaboration with the VUB, a TCO tool was developed that provides insight into the Total Cost of Ownership of a battery-electric truck versus a diesel vehicle. 


Practical info

Start: May 2021
End: November 2022
Total lead time: 18 months

Want to know more?

Contact Sophie Delannoy (sophie.delannoy@vil.be)


31 companies: ABB, Aquafin, Barry Callebaut Belgium, Brink’s Solutions Belgium, Colruyt Group, Conway, Deconinck brandstoffen, ECS, Gilbert De Clerck, ICO, Ivago, Jogo Logistics, La Lorraine Transport, Lapauw Mario, Limburg.net, MC Transport & Logistics, Mobility Plus, North Sea Port, Port of Antwerp, Put-Hendrickx Vervoer, Quinntra, R&L, Renault, Scania, Siemens Mobility, Sprint Transport, Trans-IT, Transport Louwyck, Volvo, VP Xpress en Yuso.



Advisory Group

Avere, Comeos, Confederatie Bouw, Elia, Febetra, Febiac, Fluvius, Flux50, MOW and TLV.



VIL: Flanders’ single point of contact for logistics innovation


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B-2000 Antwerpen (Belgium)
T: +32 3 229 05 00
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