
In this project, VIL will develop an innovative, digitized logistics collaboration model that aims to give the Flemish ornamental floriculture plant sector a strong chance of establishing a viable business model for the future.

status: Running | theme: Last mile | type: Regional

The Flemish ornamental plant cultivation floriculture sector is highly export-oriented and a world market leader for specific products. The sector comprises relatively small, family-owned companies that produce various plants and flowers with specific requirements regarding shelf life, packaging, and format. The current supply chain is relatively complex and inefficient. Additionally, increasing foreign competition and the growing demand for e-commerce in both the B2B and B2C markets pose additional challenges to the sector.

Only through increased cooperation, application of a smart logistics model, and further digitalization can the Flemish floriculture industry sector meet these challenges and convert them into new opportunities for growth.


In this project, VIL will develop an innovative, digitized logistics collaboration model. The goal is to help the Flemish ornamental floriculture plant sector establish a viable business model for the future. The Flemish ornamental plant cultivation floriculture sector is a world market leader for specific products and is highly export-oriented. It consists of relatively small, family-owned companies that produce various plants and flowers with specific requirements concerning shelf life, packaging, and format.

The current supply chain is relatively complex and inefficient. In addition to increasing foreign competition, there is a growing demand for e-commerce in both the B2B and B2C markets, posing additional challenges to the sector.

The Flemish floriculture industry sector must increase cooperation, apply a smart logistics model, and further digitalize to meet these challenges and turn them into new opportunities for growth.

Specific activities

  • Mapping of companies (clusters), analysis of current practices and market environment
  • Assessing potential and barriers to cooperation and digitalization experiences and challenges
  • Clustering of companies, bundling of flows and drafting of the omnichannel logistics model
  • Drawing up a high level business case for the sector
  • Developing an improved solution for return logistics
  • Designing a digital solution (matching supply and demand, planning, stock management, traceability, webshop connection, paperless trade)
  • Elaboration of the business and governance model that guarantees trust and confidentiality
  • Researching synergies with other supply chain flows
  • Developing the business case calculation tool
  • Start and supervision of 1 or 2 pilot projects

Practical details

Start: april 2022
End: maart 2024

Subject to formal approval by VLAIO, Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship.

Target group

The project targets all companies involved in the Flemish ornamental plant and floriculture sector, including growers, traders, transport companies, garden centres, and providers of specialized equipment and digital solutions.

VIL: Flanders’ single point of contact for logistics innovation


De Burburestraat 6-8
B-2000 Antwerpen (Belgium)
T: +32 3 229 05 00
E: info@vil.be
VAT: BE 0480.185.038