
The goal of this H2020 project is to create a European matchmaking platform for innovative transport and mobility tools and services. The project will accelerate the market access and upscaling of “first of a kind” sustainable transport and mobility solutions, thereby reducing the European CO2 emissions and pollutants caused by the transport and mobility sector.

status: Closed | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: European


The Entrance Coordinating and Support Action project started in January 2021 in collaboration with 15 organisations, of which VIL is one, from 7 different countries.

The consortium will work together for 3 years to create the matchmaking platform aimed at propelling Europe’s innovative transport and mobility solutions forward.

The project is funded with a grant amount of 1.5 million euro by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. 


The Consortium:





Practical details

Start: Januari 2021
Total lead time: 3 years

Would you like to know more?

Contact Kris Neyens (kris.neyen@vil.be)

Webinar juni 2021

Ontdek hier de opname van het eerste training webinar binnen het kader van het ENTRANCE-project. Özhan Yılmaz en Juliet Dow-Madu, beide deskundigen bij de Europese Investeringsbank, lichten in dit webinar de financieringsmechanismen van de EIB toe voor aanbieders van vervoers- en mobiliteitsoplossingen in heel Europa. Verder vertellen ze ook hoe deze kunnen worden toegepast voor invoeringsprojecten én voor het opschalen van innovatieve vervoers- en mobiliteitsoplossingen.  


Meer info over het ENTRANCE-project vindt u op de projectwebsite.

VIL: Flanders’ single point of contact for logistics innovation


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B-2000 Antwerpen (Belgium)
T: +32 3 229 05 00
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