Driver 4.0

The transport sector has been facing an acute shortage of truck drivers for years. The profession is becoming increasingly more complex and demanding, and suffers from a negative image. With the project “Driver 4.0”, VIL, together with partner UHasselt, has developed an app to increase the attractiveness of the profession and to ensure a better match between driver expectations and competence profile.

status: Closed | theme: Digital transformation | type: Regional

In Flanders, the profession of truck driver has been prominent in the VDAB’s list of bottleneck occupations for several years now and this shortage is defined as a structural problem that will go on for several years. The reasons for this shortage are the negative image of the profession and the working conditions that deter the influx of new younger (and /or female) drivers. In addition, the sector is aging and characterized by a high outflow due to retirement. Failure to address the structural driver shortage will lead to a disrupted economy, higher consumer prices and disrupting the continuous supply of goods.


  • The project yielded a surprising conclusion: it is not the perception of low pay and the poor image of the profession that cause low intake, but rather the working hours and working conditions
  • To generate more influx, the sector will have to make a shift from a classic wage-oriented personnel policy to a full-fledged HR policy that goes beyond hiring, managing and paying their drivers. A sophisticated personnel policy must focus on more personal guidance, attention to the well-being of drivers, offering attractive training and opportunities for advancement
  • A unique innovative application was developed for the guidance of drivers
  • The ‘Perfect Driver’ app strengthens communication and the bond between the driver and the company, and at the same time is a new trendy form of training and further education.
  • The app is ready for use by interested companies and can be downloaded for free through the developed platform:

Practical details

Start: April 2020 End: september 2022

Participating companies

13 companies: Eutraco, Gert Snel, Gilbert De Clercq, Hertsens, H.Essers, SD Worx, Trafuco, Transport Gheys, Transport Mervielde, Transport Michiels, TVM Belgium, Van Moer Group and Xwift.               

Would you like to know more?

Contact  Ludo Sys (


20/09/2022 – VIL Persbericht – Meer en blijvende chauffeurs door uitgekiend hr-beleid
17/09/2020 – VIL Persbericht – VIL-project pakt structureel chauffeurstekort aan


VIL: Flanders’ single point of contact for logistics innovation


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B-2000 Antwerpen (Belgium)
T: +32 3 229 05 00
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