
Future-proofing airports with the STARGATE TCO tool

As airports around the world work towards sustainability, it is essential to understand the economic implications of adopting green technologies. To address this need, VIL has developed an innovative Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) calculation tool specifically designed for Ground Support Equipment (GSE) as part of the STARGATE project, an initiative aimed at making tomorrow’s aviation sector greener, […]

VIL en Comeos slaan de handen in elkaar voor last-mile berekeningstool

E-commerce heeft sinds de coronacrisis een enorme boom gekend. Om handelaars en consumenten meer inzicht te geven in de impact van de leveringen slaan VIL en Comeos de handen in elkaar. Samen pakken ze de duurzaamheidsproblematiek rond last mile leveringen van online aankopen aan met de berekeningstool SmartDrop.

VIL News

VIL News

As Flanders innovation cluster for logistics, VIL initiates and performs company driven innovative and sustainable projects.

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De Burburestraat 6-8
B-2000 Antwerpen (Belgium)
T: +32 3 229 05 00
VAT: BE 0480.185.038