
Ecommerce continues to grow and therefore the demand for more sustainable packaging solutions is on the rise. In the project E-Pack VIL will study the opportunities of reusable packaging in the B2C market.

status: Starting up | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: Regional

On the one hand, consumers don’t like huge amounts of card board shipping boxes and other packaging of their online purchases. On the other hand, the logistics sector is asking for more uniformity and robustness in packaging.

More uniformity must lead to the simplification of handling, better stackability, more automated packing and sorting possibilities and lower costs. More robust packaging offers a better protection of the contents and lower chance of damage during transportation and logistics processes.


In this project, VIL will introduce reusable packaging in the B2C market to stimulate local and sustainable online business.


This project offers opportunities for more standardization (efficient transportation and automated packaging processes), for better meeting customer demand and for possible new initiatives that can lead to profitable business models (e.g. pooling reusable packaging).

Specific activities

  • Gaining insight in the demands for reusable packaging
  • Gaining insight in the role and impact of the customer: what would it take for getting the consumer to use the reusable packaging?
  • Developing return scenarios: how to organize it cost-efficiently and ecologically?
  • Evaluating the logistic return concepts from a broad scope
  • Developing a Proof of Concept and lessons learned


Practical details

Start: June 2021
Total Lead Time: 21 months

Would you like to know more?

Contact Ludo Sys (ludo.sys@vil.be)

Target group

The project targets companies active in ecommerce, like:

– Logistics service providers
– Webshops
– Companies and organisations active in the packaging (material) sector
– Companies active in collection and return technology, data management systems, etc…


VIL: Flanders’ single point of contact for logistics innovation


De Burburestraat 6-8
B-2000 Antwerpen (Belgium)
T: +32 3 229 05 00
E: info@vil.be
VAT: BE 0480.185.038