The European Union invests significantly in research for transport and logistics to enhance competitiveness and address climate change. The BOOSTLOG project, in which VIL is a partner, aims to gather and amplify the impact of these projects.

status: Closed | theme: Digital transformation, Green Supply Chains, Hinterland Connection, Last mile | type: European

The success of today’s logistics sector can be attributed to the EU’s long-term investments in research and innovation, which drive progress in the logistics industry. Led by ETP ALICE, the BOOSTLOG project will promote knowledge sharing and encourage the adoption of innovations in the sector.

The project aims to:

  • systematically and logically summarise key results and outcomes from more than 160 EU-funded R&I projects and make them widely available and accessible.
  • develop and implement a strategy to overcome barriers to the deployment of EU-funded R&I projects, thus accelerating the innovation acquisition.
  • identify and prioritise R&I gaps in logistics research that addresses today’s and tomorrow’s needs.
  • facilitate knowledge exchange on best practices in government funding of R&I in the logistics sector at regional, national, and European levels.
  • reach out and engage with more researchers and companies to participate in future R&I projects.

VIL is one of the 12 partners in this project.

  • ZLC
  • ICCS
  • TU Delft
  • FIT
  • FVP
  • Smart Freight Centre SFC
  • ERTICO-ITS Europe

Practical details

Start: March 2021
Total lead time: 3 years

Would you like to know more?

Contact Kris Neyens (






Activities performed in the frame of BOOSTLOG Project, “Boosting impact generation from research and innovation on integrated freight transport and Logistics system”, that has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant No 101006902.

VIL: Flanders’ single point of contact for logistics innovation


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B-2000 Antwerpen (Belgium)
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