Take part in projects
To increase the competitiveness of Flemish-based logistics companies, VIL carries out projects on Collective Knowledge Development and Knowledge Transfer (COOCK) with ‘Collective’ meaning that the project is intended for a group of companies. 80% of the project cost is subsidized, and 20% is financed by the participating companies.
In addition, VIL focuses on innovative business projects (research and development projects), multidisciplinary research projects, fundamental research, and EU projects (Horizon Europe).
Carry out your project
Present your project idea to VIL, and VIL will consider the project details with you: a collective project with other companies, or an entirely custom-made project (e.g. contract research),.
Get a head start
VIL members have access to first-hand information about announcements and projects. Keep up to date with what is happening in the world of sustainable logistics.
Free publications
Members receive all VIL publications by mail or electronically for free. These publications consist of project reports with useful ROI models and handy best practices, the VIL newsletter, and much more useful information.
Members also have exclusive access to the VIL knowledge library.
Expand your knowledge …
As a VIL member, you can take part for free or receive a substantial discount on VIL events and conferences. The programme always includes actual cases and company stories of genuine interest to participants.
… and your network
By participating in VIL events, VIL offers the ideal forum for networking with logistics professionals from the widest range of sectors. Furthermore, not only the logistics sector is involved. VIL brings together a unique mix of companies and organizations from a wide variety of sectors. Therefore, shippers and logistics service providers are present as well as IT, engineering, consultancy, HR, construction and real estate companies, public organizations, and knowledge institutions are active participants at VIL events.
Highlight your company
New members are introduced in the newsletter and on the VIL website and will appear in the list of members. Companies that take part in projects have even more opportunities to be highlighted, e.g. at events, in press releases, and much more.