
Low power wide area networks (LPWAN) such as Sigfox or LoRa could well play a major role in the future. VIL will investigate what these wireless, energy-efficient networks could mean for tracking and monitoring assets and high value goods.

status: Closed | theme: Digital transformation | type: Regional

New wireless networks

Low power wide area networks (LPWAN) such as Sigfox, LoRa, etc. are networks developed to carry small amounts of information wirelessly over a long distance between objects and systems with ultra low power consumption. They’re also cheaper and easier to implement logistically than traditional mobile networks. The new networks allow products or assets to be fitted with a tracker/sensor with a life of 5 to 10 years at low cost.


The main aim of the project is to demonstrate the potential and possibilities of (state-of-the-art) LPWAN networks and equipment and to test them for asset tracking and monitoring of high value and theft or condition sensitive goods in logistics.

  • To prevent or reduce the loss of logistics assets in complex logistics pools or large yards;
  • Efficient finding of available assets;
  • Preventative and corrective management of the maintenance of assets;
  • Remote checking/monitoring of assets or goods (location, sensor readings such as temperature, etc.);
  • Monitoring of theft and condition sensitive goods;
  • Management of asset pools (analysis of number of movements, downtime, availability, location, etc.).


  1. Review the situation regarding available LPWAN networks, sensors and cloud based applications for assets and goods tracking and monitoring. Identify associated best practices and record lessons learned.
  2. Screening of existing bottlenecks and requirements for the deployability of LPWAN sensor networks for assets tracking & monitoring of goods among project participants.
  3. Map which LPWAN sensor networks and software applications can be deployed with the right requirements for applications in logistics.
  4. Selection and devising of two application scenarios with associated practical validation via a Proof of Concept (POC) together with the participating companies.

Practical details

Start: October 2016

Total lead time: 14 months

Participating Companies

Sixteen companies: ArcelorMittal, B Logistics, Borealis, CNH Belgium, Colruyt, Contraload, DHL Supply Chain, Eandis, Euro Pool System, Fost Plus, Infrabel, PostNL, Proximus, Siemens, Abbott (Sint Jude Medical) and Renewi.

arcelormittal b-logistics borealis cnhi colruyt contraload dhl eandis europool-system fostplus infrabel postnl proximus siemens sint-jude-medical


VIL: Flanders’ single point of contact for logistics innovation


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B-2000 Antwerpen (Belgium)
T: +32 3 229 05 00
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