What is Gateway²Britain?

The United Kingdom is Flanders’ fourth-largest trading partner. A study by VOKA in 2021 has shown that, due to Brexit, Flemish companies experienced a 6% loss in turnover in the UK in the first quarter of 2021. Costs also rose by 5%.

The logistics process has become much more complex since Brexit. A whole host of documents, data and certificates is now required for border controls, leading to higher administrative and logistical costs (customs formalities, import duties, additional regulatory obligations).

To change this, the Gateway²Britain project was introduced. The Gateway²Britain project rests on two pillars: a data sharing platform and physical service points in support of SMEs.


The first pillar connects stakeholders by means of a digital platform that promotes the sharing of data and trade documents, thereby enhancing transparency among the parties concerned. By sharing data and bringing transparency to border control processes through the platform, delays and administration are reduced to a minimum. This innovative platform, which is currently under development by the Port of Antwerp-Bruges, will streamline and facilitate trade with the United Kingdom.

Physical Service Points

The second pillar involves the creation of physical service points among existing ‘screened’ logistics service providers who support SMEs by offering import and export processing services. To this end, VIL has set up a quality label with an accompanying certification programme.

The quality label

The goal of the Gateway²Britain Quality label is to certify providers that offer a package of services to relieve SMEs of Brexit-related obligations and red tape. The focus is directed specifically on SMEs that have smaller UK-bound trade volumes, know less about the existing and changing laws and lack the financial and technical means to organise these issues themselves.

The Gateway²Britain quality label gives SMEs a simple way to find service providers that offer this minimum set of services.

Service providers that hold the Gateway²Britain quality label can increase their volumes from/to the United Kingdom by consolidating shipments from SMEs.



VIL: Flanders’ single point of contact for logistics innovation


De Burburestraat 6-8
B-2000 Antwerpen (Belgium)
T: +32 3 229 05 00
VAT: BE 0480.185.038